Goal – To acquire Pure Deep knowledge


BASICS: Information to Wisdom

  • Information or word knowledge
  • Ignorance
    • lack of information
    • doubts 
    • wrong information 
    • wrong knowledge
  • Theoretical authentic Information: सैद्धांतिक जानकारी by shravan (systemetic and complete Information by teachings)
  • Switching between Ignorance and true practical knowledge  as per comfort and  tolerance.
    • Limiting belief and faith
  • Contemplation (Resolving doubts) and Conclusion (Assimilation of the teachings)
    • Decision, Accept,  Faith, Trust, strong enriching belief, Practical …etc. 
    • Strong Wrong or false belief based practical actions
  • Even true practical knowledge  doesn’t overcome grief if that action is not done with real faith, intent or feeling, if it is just for sake like yajna, sandhya, seva …etc. Mixed Karma.
  • Again refinement with Contemplation and strong Conclusions 
  • Wisdom, Intelligence, Connected knowledge, Pure Deep Knowledge, True knowledge (Vignan, yogi, tapasvi )and strong faith include karmas leads to happiness and overcomes grief. Strong belief like high electricity flowing and not to touch.
  • Matured Wisdom,(Ritambra buddi), Samadhi, equanimity, stability, purity, fault or defect free, defect tendencies dead (sanskar dagdbheej)


Connecting right dots is Key

  • Dots represent knowledge and situations.
  •        It is important to connect right knowledge with appropriate situation according to context, intent, time, location, audience…etc.
  •        Arjun was not connecting right dots, even though he was having true information\’s or word knowledge.
  •       When we take a topic individually, it may be understood clearly. But when we try to connect the topics we may see some “seeming” contradictions.
  •        Some of the doubts and questions are answered by independent reflection. For others we need the help of teacher.

What is True or Pure Deep Knowledge?

  • Any knowledge which is not in actions is just Information, raw data or bookish  knowledge.
  • Considering true Information or raw data as true knowledge is highest level of false knowledge, as true knowledge is not just information, it is resultant of critical thinking on true information, getting results out of them and converting into committed repeated actions.Representation of true information in actions is true knowledge.
  • True or pure knowledge increases ability and capability to respond unfavorable situations instead of reacting. These responses are positive responses with calm and peace in mind instead of reactions like anger, distress, jealousy, greediness …etc.
  • If stress, pain, sufferings, momentary pleasures increase in life, it means we are in Ignorance or false knowledge or false belief or lack of knowledge state of mind.

Difference between word/literate and True or Pure Deep Knowledge

  • Like happiness and sadness are opposite qualities. These two cannot exist together, in the same substance. \”Similarly, those who have real knowledge or philosophy, do not have pride. And those who have pride, they cannot have real knowledge or philosophy. Because philosophy and pride, these two are also opposite qualities. This is also a Together, cannot live in one person.\”
  •            Question — \”Those who have pride, they also have some knowledge. Then when they have knowledge, then why does pride arise in them?\” The answer to this question is that – *\”In them There is literal knowledge, not philosophy. It is because of this literal knowledge that pride arises in them.
  •          Most people have only verbal knowledge of most subjects. Philosophy is there in everyone. \”One who really has philosophy, never becomes proud. And one who has literal knowledge, becomes arrogant.\”
  •             \”People do not understand the difference between these two, so they consider a \’literally knowledgeable\’ person as a \’philosopher\’. This is the mistake of the people.\” And when pride is seen in such a literal knowledgeable person, then they They become displeased and dissatisfied with him, and say, \”What kind of scholar is he? There is a lot of pride in him!\” So the answer to this question is, \”The scholar in whom, the scholar of the scriptures, If you see arrogance, then understand that it is not philosophy, but literal knowledge. And literal knowledge does not benefit a person. That\’s why you complain to him, what kind of scholar is he? There is a lot of pride in him. Is!\”
  •          You would like to know, what is the difference between literal knowledge and philosophy? The difference is that \”When a person speaks something else, and does something else, there is a difference between his speaking and doing, then understand, his knowledge is \’literal knowledge\’. Not philosophy.\” Example – – Like \”A person says that one should not get angry. And yet he gets angry. Should speak the truth, but still does not speak the truth. Should exercise, but does not exercise.\” So understand, that \”He has literal knowledge. He is incompletely knowledgeable. Pride will be found in such a person.\”
  •          \”And the scholar who behaves as he speaks. His words and actions are the same.\” So understand, \”That person has \’philosophy\’. He is the real scholar.\” Like, The person who says, \”One should exercise, and he exercises. He should speak the truth, and he also speaks the truth. He should live humbly, and he lives humbly, then understand that there is philosophy in him. He is the best.\” You will not find pride in him.\”*
  •            This is also another simple definition of literal knowledge and philosophy. \”In the situation of having literal knowledge, a person does the work which should not be done. And does not do the work which should be done.\” \”The person who does this, then understand that that person has verbal knowledge. He is not a real scholar. Pride arises in him because of that verbal knowledge.\”
  •           And one who is a philosopher, \”He does that work which should be done. And does not do that work which should not be done. As one should meditate on God, then that person meditates on God. Yajna should be done. , then he performs Yagya. Should not smoke cigarettes, so he does not smoke. Should not get angry, and he does not get angry, etc.\” \”If such behavior is seen in someone, then understand that he is a real scholar. He has philosophy. You will not find pride in such a person.\” \”In this way one can identify oneself and others as to who has literal knowledge, and who has philosophy.\”
  •            *\”Both levels of this verbal knowledge and philosophy will be found in you to some extent. You will also have verbal knowledge in some subject, and a little bit of philosophy in another subject. So convert your literal knowledge into philosophy. Only then you will also be able to avoid this terrible defect called pride, and then only you will be happy, otherwise not.
  •         Question — How to convert literal knowledge into philosophy? Answer — \”By repeating the literal knowledge thousands of times, and by practicing to bring that knowledge into practice, that literal knowledge turns into philosophy.
  • \”*—- \”Swami Vivekananda Parivrajak, Director – Darshan Yoga College, Rojd, Gujarat.\”

Process of Acquiring knowledge

  • Acquire information by listening, hearing, watching, sensing …etc.
  • Contemplate acquired information data considering parameters of long term advantages and disadvantages with respect to moving towards long-lasting happiness and move away from stress, pain, sufferings and momentary pleasures.
  • Conclude Analysis and perform actions as per conclusion, which is current understanding.
  • Perform repeated actions of understanding and make it habit or solid belief to gain complete advantage.

What is False Knowledge or False Belief?

  • Any knowledge or beliefs you hold about life, yourself and people is what’s responsible for who you are, how you behave and who you will become..
  • True or pure knowledge or positive beliefs can help you trust your abilities, achieve your goal and targets, on the other hand false knowledge or beliefs can prevent  to achieve goal and increase in pain and sufferings.
  • knowledge or belief formation process starts when a seed is implemented in the person\’s mind. This seed could be a small remark made by an authoritative person, an advice given by a close friend or even a phrase you heard from a complete stranger. People keep collecting biased or false evidence for the sake of watering the seeds they already carry!!
  • People feel sad because they keep collecting false evidence that supports their false beliefs not knowing that the evidence collection process is biased towards their own beliefs!!The more clues the person collects,  the stronger the belief becomes, until it reaches a point where the person believes that it’s a fact that can’t be changed and end up with creating false beliefs.

How to prevent formation of False Knowledge or False Belief?

  • Recognize seeds early enough then challenge them before they become stronger.
  • Keep monitoring the words and phrases that are delivered to your mind by the people around you and as soon as you find a seed being implemented start challenging it.
  • Challenging a seed involves becoming conscious of it, not taking it into account before solid evidence is provided and making sure you are not collecting biased clues
  • You can use the same process to challenge beliefs that were already formed but its much easier to challenge a seed before it turns into a solid belief than to challenge a belief that solidified long ago. That\’s why gossip is bad as it is source of seed belief and with biased or false collection of clues it can become false belief.

Organized true knowledge is power too achieve ultimate happiness and incremental move away from unhappiness
